Monday, April 9, 2012

This Blog is intended to accomplish several things. To record accurate information on the life of one of Okinawa's great cultural icons. Seikichi Odo Hanshi was many things to many people. Because his whole life was lived through the martial arts, like all of us he experienced much change throughout his time. That is only natural, as we grow...we change.

Many of you were his students at different times in his life. That alone may have caused you to learn something slightly different, but that is not important. What is important is to use the life experience you were lucky enough to have, take what this Sensei taught you, and share it with the World. They say his name means the "World Walker", yet the name means nothing without the strength of those he sent out across the world. You are holding on to his precious art. Share it, and ensure an enduring Legacy.

I hope those of you who were his first generation students will take the time out of your lives to give a small piece back. Not to me, but to him. I ask you this both respectfully and humbly.

I am also a proud member of Kyoshi Rick Van Meter's Okinawa Kobukan Kenpo Kobujutsu Federation, and of Okinawa's Ryukyu Hon Kobujutsu Federation, currently headed by Susumu Odo, Hanshi's son. These organizations and many, many others represent the legacy of Hanshi Seikichi Odo.

I have studied karate for over forty years, hold the grade of Roku-dan in Okinawa Seito Karate-do, and yet for this endeavor, I am but a scribe.

It is you, the students of the first generation, who know his truth and his way. You are his legacy.

All persons who donate information towards this endeavor will be noted and recognized as the one who provided the pictures and/or articles (should you so wish), and this will be without predjudice and regardless of affiliation. This endeavor is about the life of a great teacher, and his history, and his art.

One great thing is that many of you are not only former students, but prior Military as well (as am I). I ask you all, prior service or not, please let us all just put Odo Sensei first, and help record his place in History in the manner according to his worth.

This is not about politics, it is about one mans history, and those students who now follow in his footsteps. It is that simple.

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